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Mauritius, Jewel of the Indian Ocean

Discover Mauritius

Mauritius may be a tiny country, but it's packed with places of interest to discover. Famous for its heavenly beaches and turquoise waters, Mauritius also has some great forest and mountain walks in store for you.

From the beaches of Flic en Flac, Le Morne, Belle Mare and Grand Baie... to the church of Cap Malheureux, the mountain of Le Morne, the Black River Gorges National Park or the magnificent Ile aux Cerfs, you won't be bored during your stay in Mauritius.

To help you plan your trip, here's what you could explore in Mauritius:

- Visit the beautiful beaches and lagoons of Flic en Flac, Le Morne, Trou aux biches,

- Grand Baie, Blu Baye, Belle Mare...

- Discover Mauritian culture and the kindness of Mauritians

- Les Mets de l'Île, Les Cari's, Marlin fumé, Rouigailles, Vindayes... Spices... Zinzli bananas...

- Catamaran outing to visit Île aux Cerfs

- Boat trip to Ile aux Bénitiers

- Visit to the Rhumerie de Chamarel

- Visit Casela Nature Park and take a walk with Lions...

- The Tea Route

- 7 Cascades hike

- Mountain hikes, Le Morne, Montagne du Pouce, Pieter Both, Montagne du Lion, Les Mamelles, Le Piton (highest peak on the island 828m)...

- Bagatelle and Tribecca shopping malls...

- Speed boat rides for diving, swimming with dolphins...

- Pamplemousse Botanical Garden

- Scuba diving

- Visit all the islands around Mauritius: Île aux aigrettes, Île Plate, Île aux deux cocos, Ilot Gabriel, Île au Phare, Île Rodrigues...

- Discover the island by helicopter, seaplane, catamaran...

- And so much more...

Don't hesitate to contact us for advice your excursions at :

Tel: +33 6 73 08 27 13 (French)

Tel: + 230 5711 7890 (Mauritius)


Favourable conditions for real estate investment and a very advantageous tax system *

- Flying time: 13 hours from NICE or Paris (on average).

- The population of Mauritius is estimated at 1.3 million, and is multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multicultural. Inhabitants live in harmony and respect. The island also boasts a large expatriate community from France, the UK and South Africa.

- Tropical climate: Summer lasts from November to April, and is the hottest and most humid period. Temperatures generally range from 25°C to 33°C. Winter lasts from May to October, with temperatures averaging between 17°C and 25°C. You can enjoy the sea all year round, with water temperatures ranging from 23°C to 28°C.

- A solid banking system

- Political stability and economic dynamism are very reassuring for investors, with political and economic stability and a secure legal framework.

- Economy: diversified, based on knowledge and innovation. The tourism and financial services sectors are the most important economic pillars. Mauritius also relies on its offshore activities, textile and agricultural industries. At the same time, medical tourism, outsourcing services, new technologies and luxury real estate are among the developing sectors.

- Taxation:

Treaty of Non-Taxation

A single tax bracket for income and rental income: capped at 15%.

Mauritian real estate income received by a French resident,

are not taxable in France

There is no solidarity tax on real estate wealth (IFI) in Mauritius.

No capital gains tax on profits when property is resold.

No property tax, council tax or social security contributions

How do I obtain a residence permit for Mauritius?

A buyer who has invested more than USD375,000 (or the equivalent amount in another currency) in a PDS program is eligible for permanent resident status. By virtue of this acquisition, the non-citizen and his or her dependents (spouse, children under 24 and parents) obtain a permanent residence permit.

Is SCI possible in Mauritius?

It is possible to set up a local company (equivalent to an SCI in France) to acquire your property, and this allows you to further optimize your tax situation in Mauritius.

If you acquire a property via a société civile immobilière (SCI) with several partners, only one of the shareholders (and his or her family: spouse and children) can obtain residency status.

What are the acquisition costs?

- 10% registration tax (5% seller + 5% buyer)
- Tax on leasehold rights (only on VEFA acquisitions)
- 1% + VAT notary's fees
- MUR 75,000 administrative costs

*Subject to change without notice

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information:

Tel: +33 6 73 08 27 13 (French)

Tel: +230 5711 7890 (Mauritius)

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